Monday, 16 December 2013

limbo - /lɪmbəʊ/ noun

 Middle English: from the medieval Latin phrase in limbo, from limbus 'hem, border, limbo'.
Due to its location, the idustrial area of Ardwick is reminiscent of a place of limbo. Not quite in the city and not quite in the countryside, it is part of two places but not in either. With its twisted metal and huge machines it also portrays a hostile environment that is shown in so many religious paintings. I will try and use this in my images to get across the feeling a 'non place'.

Friday, 6 December 2013

Stephen Shore

After I read Stephen Shore: Uncommon Places, it really made me realise the importance of lines in a photograph and how to manipulate them. I admire the way Shore does this with buildings, especially using corners and lamp posts. Another thing I like about his images is the emptiness,its peaceful and something about this makes it more honest in some way. Apart from the lack of life we can see, the simple, matching block colour schemes add to the minimalism and bareness.

Tuesday, 3 December 2013

Andreas Gursky

Andreas Gursky photographs large scale landscapes in a deadpan style, voiding it of any opinion. What I like about his images is how there are small details which just become shades of interesting colours, this makes the viewer look harder at the image; which is what the aim of a photograph is. For instance his 'waste' image from first glance looks like some sort of sandy landscape. Once you look closer though you realise it is a huge expanse of rubbish.